Complete line of Monitoring Well Manhole Covers – sizes 5” thru 12” diameter.Heavy duty cast iron covers and collars.Available in Steel or Galvanized sheet metal skirts.Quality construction with water tight covers utilizing Buna N rubber gaskets,stainless steel bolts,gasket washers 5" x 7 1/2" 8" x 7 1/2" 8" x 12"12" x 12"
Welded steel construction in size range 4" to 12".Standard 5' casing with each tamper proof cap available in hinged or slip cap models. 4" x 5' 6" x 5' 8" x 5'10" x 5'12" x 5'
24”长 X 24”宽 X 24”高。顶口铰链连接。H-20 荷载。